Move it! Self-care Week 13

active adult animal colors
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Hey Ya’all!

Lots of new beginnings today… a new week AND a new month. So, Happy Monday! and Happy April!

Let’s switch gears just a little. It feels like I’ve been in my head for too long and need to physically move around a little!

Now if you  know me, you know I’m not really big on “exercise”. I mean, sure, I like to walk and stretch (some), maybe stroll (the mall). I like to be outside, take a stroll around the neighborhood or on the Greenway. But you will not find me happily doing reps at the gym. I am trying to change my thinking on that but there I am, back in my head again!

We all know it’s important to move for many reasons. The older we get, the more important it becomes. So, what’s a girl to do? Especially when that girl has never been much into lots of physical activity.

We’ve talked about moving… leaving a room for a brief change of scenery; doing the “cross over technique” to re-set out brains. Moving physically from one spot to another is always a good idea when we are stuck. It even helps when our minds are in a jumble- there’s that mind thing again. But how can we put a little extra “exercise” into our day?

Well, I’m glad you asked. If you don’t run/walk up and down the stairs in your house what feels like a hundred times a day, you probably could use a few ideas. Of course, if you’re naturally inclined to lots of activity, you’re well ahead of the game already.

Here are just a few ideas for putting a little more activity into your day.

When brushing your teeth, balance on one foot, then switch to the other. Balance is an important part of your well-being physically and as we age we tend to lose some of our innate ability to balance effortlessly. Try it! Make it fun. Move your free arm around while doing it… Picture this: you, brushing your teeth, standing on one leg like a flamingo, waving your opposite arm around like you’re flying. LOL! Fun, right? I like to make a game of it. How long can I stand on just one leg?

Yes, I realize balancing isn’t “exercise”, but it is important. So just do it!

This is simple. Instead of trying to find the closest parking place to the grocery store, take the one in the hinterlands. It’s really only a little further out and it’ll give you some extra steps. While you’re in the store, walk up and down every aisle- even if you don’t need anything from that aisle. Look how easy it was to add extra steps into your day!

Another easy one is to take the stairs instead of the elevator. While it’s not always practical… maybe your appointment is on the 10th floor… you can walk up one story and finish the journey in the elevator. Same with coming down. Walk down a few flights. Not every building makes it easy to find or use the steps, but most are pretty friendly. Check it out. Of course, if your knees are wonky, or you’re dizzy, taking the steps isn’t such a good idea. Be reasonable. Be smart. But look for ways to add just a little extra movement to your day.

Sometimes while I’m waiting for the microwave to finish up, I’ll stretch. Just easy, ordinary stretches.  Simply stretching your calf muscle, where you push against the wall or countertop, with one leg stretched out, heel on floor and streeeetch. Or raising your hands to the ceiling, and stretching your sides is a good one to use while waiting for the broccoli to finish cooking. In fact, a stretch that our parents knew as a “stretch” is always good. You know what I mean… the kind that goes with a yawn, usually executed first thing in the morning or when it’s time to go to bed. A big, old fashioned stretch. Pull all your muscles tight, raise your arms above your head. There are specific stretches to do and you can use an app to help you if you want to really get into it.

Stretches are relaxing for the most part. It’s just that we need to think of how to incorporate them into our day. I’m trying to remember to use those odd moments during the day to twist, or balance, or stretch. Trying to remember to take that far-out parking place or use the steps more often.

At the risk of being too “athletic”, here’s one more thing. Have you tried a plank? It’s not easy but it’s not terribly hard either. You’ll have to google the “how-to”, but start with where you are and do it for just 10 seconds. Then add another few seconds until you can build up your strength to do it for minutes at a time. Don’t use an app that has you doing them for a minute to begin with. Why? It’s discouraging. Get to a minute on your own, then use the app if you must. Planking builds core strength and, even I, the exercise-phobic, can tell a difference in my general well-being when I do them somewhat regularly. Try it. Make it fun. Celebrate even 5 seconds!!

Rather than call it “exercise”, I’m calling it “movement”.

Movement is another important tool to add to our Self-Care Toolbox. I hope you’ll try just a few little things I’ve mentioned. I’m sure YOU have some little tricks for adding movement into your day as well. Please share them! I, for one, am on the lookout for adding movement to my days, without tooooo much pain.

Thanks for joining in the journey! And thanks for sharing your experiences!

God bless you as you add a little extra “movement” to your day.