After saying over and over again that I want to start a blog… I DID IT!

Having just started following a Blog, obviously written in WordPress, the prompts to confirm that I really wanted to follow it began to get irritating and then? There was a prompt asking if I want to start a blog! So I followed it and here I am!

I’m feeling almost breathless, like I’ve actually DONE something! I don’t know where this will lead, but I named this Pathways and Portals, so I think I’m expecting to GO somewhere with this.

I want to share encouragement, to share questions, to share the love of God.

As much as I love the feel of pen on paper, as much as I love paper itself, I’m going to work on sharing my thoughts online too. I have no idea if anyone is interested in following me but we’ll see what happens…

There seems to be the theme here… throw caution to the wind and… see what happens!

There’s a lot to learn and I’ll have to take the time to find out what I can do here.

So, here I am world! LOL! Let’s go somewhere together!