The Beach at the End of August

Beach at the End of August, multi-media painting on watercolor paper, 6×6″. Painting and photo by me, Sandy Burch

#August Imagination Challenge

The last day of August! We’ve made it through the hottest of the summer months. September whispers hints of coming cooler temps.

Above is my final week’s creation from the August Imagination Vacation- I “went” to the beach for some relaxation time.

As it happens, my creation, easily identified as a beach scene, is also kind of abstract. It’s different because it has odd pieces of torn paper placed throughout the painting. I also experimented with some new-to-me techniques.

I like it. It is representative of our month in it’s unusual elements. Usually, looking back at August feels like a vague memory- it was hot, we stayed cool, we are oh-so grateful for AC and good riddance! However August, 2022, felt more productive, more real somehow. It was sad because of the loss of our friend, Hoyt. It was joyful, because of all the people we reconnected with at the memorial service for him. Such a range of joy and sorrow, of real memories and playful imaginings.

I’m always happy to see September. It brings hope that the hot blanket of humidity will soon lift, bringing cooler weather. It’s the only month when pumpkin spice is readily available- and I DO love pumpkin spice! To me September brings a refreshing, a new beginning, a special promise of the coming Autumn, my favorite season.

All those September things are still true but this year, I’m leaving August will a little sadness, a feeling that I’ll miss it. 

There’s no denying that the shocking loss of our friend colored the end of the month in sadness. But I believe having my Imagination Challenge gave me an overall different perspective, possibly even in the loss (which is very real). I’m pretty sure I won’t see August quite the same way again.

So tell me, did you do any imaginary travels? Are you glad or sad to see August go? Was it a good month for you?

#August #imagination #Augustimaginationchallenge #joy #loss #September #refreshment #beachscene #relaxation #multimedialandscapes #acryliconpaper

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